Empress of Sass
Written on May 17, 2015
I enjoyed that it was a period piece set in the fifties, but would have preferred the setting to be more integral to the story, I was left feeling like it was a back drop to the romance between Nathan and Alex and not a focal point in and of itself. Some more setting description of the locations, and going into greater depth about the fashions, and the rail road worker lifestyle would have enhanced the story for me. Right now it's a pretty back drop, but the history lover in me yearns for it to be more than a pretty face.
I wish the book was longer, and the romance was slow down a little, I think that might have helped me form a better attachment to Nathan and Alex. If it was longer, I would have liked to learn more about the other workers. But as far as complaints go "I wish it was longer" is a good one, it means that I wanted more of the story, and more of the authors words.
Overall, great book, and I am happy I read it. We need more diverse voices this day and age. I would love it if this author decided to tackle some YA LGBT fiction too, as I think a lot of teens would benefit from it.