Baroness Book Trove
I have always loved Janet Evanovich's work. I mean I have read all of the Stephanie Plum novels and the novella's Between the Numbers with Stephanie and Diesel and her other series with Diesel and Lizzy. So it would be no different for me to read this one.
And I actually have to hand it to Janet and Lee this book is definitely different. I mean sure if anyone has seen White Collar you would think oh great same thing but instead of Agent Burke we have Agent O'Hare who also happens to be a female. But it's not the same thing as White Collar at all. Which might be what drew me toward this series. That and my mom bought it on Kindle and I just couldn't help myself.
Anyways this series I can tell will be a good one. And I know that it is bad to read the Heist before the prequel like I did but reading the Heist and then the prequel doesn't take away from what happened in the Heist. The prequel mostly just adds a back story that you have seen glimpses of from the first book into the series. This book is a great one and one I couldn't stop reading but that could also be from the very small book which is what most novellas like this one are. So I give it a five star rating. Please comment on this review and I hoped you liked it!
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