Anna has just moved to Winter from London with her father. Her father bought a house that hasn't been lived in in years and could do with a great clean up much to Anna's annoyance. She loves her father but is sad that they had to move.
Anna finds a weird book in a closed off bread oven, she thinks it's an old recipe book at first but some friends she makes discover it's actually a book of spells. They decide to try a love spell for a joke. Anna doesn't feel very comfortable about it but what could happen? It's not like it's actually going to work. The next Monday at school, sure enough the guys her friends tried to enchant still ignored them. Weirdly, Seth, a boy Anna thinks is cute, suddenly has an interest in Anna. he even broke up with his girlfriend.
Magic couldn't be real could it?
Anna was actually rather likeable, she wasn't too whiny, she was maybe a little too stubborn but that was alright I was able to forgive her for that. She wasn't perfect and she didn't have too many flaws, she was easily relate-able.
Seth was an interesting character, I felt like he was two different characters, one at the beginning then a completely different person after Anna enchants him.
The first thing I noticed with the writing was that I felt like I was being told everything rather than being drawn into the story. It felt like some of the sentences were the wrong way round, I couldn't live the story myself inside these words I could only see the events happening in front of me as if I were not apart of them. It was such a shame because I wanted to really enjoy this book more!
This book didn't meet my expectations. When I read the blurb I had envisioned more than just a romance. I felt like the romance played too much of a part, the plot was revolved around it, it was driven by it. Those books are sometimes pretty fun to read but for some reason this one wasn't, I think I felt like that because the characters were too young, the love was too easy and too fast, it wasn't as much fun as I felt like it could have been. There was barely anything else that was driving the book until around half way and that got boring to read.
I had wanted more! I came away from that book feeling unsatisfied.
Overall this book was alright. I don't think it lived up to the potential but it wasn't awful. It was readable and there was some sort of entertainment. Give this book a go if the summary intrigues you.
Miss J