Written on Nov 3, 2012
There is no doubt that Layla has had a hard life. Her father was never in her life and her mother was a drug addict who couldn’t stay clean for her daughter. Layla was in and out of foster care until she luckily landed in the care of Rosie. This makes Layla very sensitive to her ability to make her own decisions. No one makes decisions for her. Just imagine what this whole pre-destined mate thing does to her. I can understand this whole scenario and how Layla might be a little touchy about someone making decisions for her. What I don’t understand is Layla’s over the top reactions to everything! She wore down my nerves quickly.
William was a bit of a sissy but I could see where he was coming from. He did anything he could for Layla to make her happy and she continually threw it in his face. Layla spent so much time in her own pity party that it never occurred to her that William may not want her either.
The Amoveo storyline progresses and there are some startling revelations made. William and Layla’s story was certainly not my favorite in the series, but I still look forward to the next chapter in the series.