Welcome to the United States of America. United in fear...United in suffering...United in death...In the year 2013, an insidious and deadly virus, X-30, has been unleashed upon the American populace. A new strain of Necrotizing Fasciitis (aka "The Flesh Eating Virus"), X-30 begins its biological reign of terror in a rural Alabama town following a mysterious plane crash. It soon extends its lethal grip across the nation and, eventually, the world. Only a select few know the dark secret behind the plague, and the future of all humanity rests within their hands. But have they learned the truth about the virus too late to stop it Can they stop those behind the single greatest case of genocide ever known to man Terror has a new name. It is X-30.
- ISBN10 1257398458
- ISBN13 9781257398454
- Publish Date 12 September 2011
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Lulu.com
- Format eBook (OEB)
- Language English