Love Won’t Wait by Lori Foster- You all know I have mad love for Foster’s romantic suspense series, and this was really the first contemporary I have tried of hers. I fell in love with Brick Carlisle and Merrily Loveland. I still can’t believe this was a novella. Foster completely developed the characters and even had me invested in secondary characters. The tale was sweet, funny and Foster delivered some heat, as well. Apparently this is the second novella featuring the Carlisles, and now I am going to need to buy the Love Bites Anthology. I am so hoping there is a third because I want the neighbors’ romance too.
Beach House Beginnings by Christie Ridgway- The tale takes us to Crescent Cove, California and shares Meg Alexander’s journey of letting go and taking a chance on romance again. Both Caleb and Meg were sweet. Each has suffered loss. Caleb has learned to embrace life again and is determined that Meg love again. This was sweet and had a little supernatural element to it. I enjoyed the tale but didn’t become completely immersed in the romance, which surprised me because I have enjoyed so many of Ridgeway’s contemporaries.
Strong Enough to Love by Victoria Dahl- Holy hotness, this was my first read by Dahl, but it won’t be my last. I am sure this is tame compared to some erotic novels, but I had to fan myself a few times. I connected with Eve Hill and Brian Stewart despite my initial nervousness. Dahl gave them a solid history and made their emotions and physical attraction to each other very believable. I wanted them to find their happy, and woozier the ride there was smoking hot.
Copy received in exchange for unbiased review. Review originally published @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer