Written on Jan 30, 2018
Amber Smith did an amazing job with this one and the portrayal of domestic abuse and how it affects the children. In this book, Brooke’s father is abusive towards his wife and his children. You can tell that Smith has done her research, and some scenes were incredibly hard hitting and difficult to read, making this a fantastic book to read if you’re interested in the subject matter.
I really liked all of the characters in this one. Not just Brooke, but her brother and her sister as well. I liked how they all reacted to the abuse differently, and how they all had different feelings towards their mother killing their father.
Brooke is also dealing with her feelings towards a girl at school. She’s not openly gay (yet), so she has that to deal with as well. Their relationship was adorable, and while seeing Brooke struggle to balance her home life (or lack thereof) and these feelings was difficult, but so worth it.
Reading this has made me want to get Smith’s debut, The Way I Used to Be, which deals with assault. I’m excited to see how she deals with another difficult subject matter.