Written on Nov 19, 2016
I did not have a problem with the narrative. I thought it was necessary to be in Lucille's head the entire time, as this story is really about her, and they way all the events cumulated to this coming of age she was forced into. I felt, at times, that she was detached, but that is often a defense mechanism employed by those going through something traumatic.
Then there is Digby and Lucille. Sometimes, I audibly UGGGHHHHH-ed, but in the end, they grew on me. Although Lucille has, more or less, always had a thing for Digby, he never really saw her that way until Lucille's life starting falling apart. It is explained, by his twin Eden, that Digby does not like change and would rather stay the status quo, even if he is not happy. Whether one agrees with the way Digby approached the situation, at least Laure gave us an explanation, and the misdeed was also addressed several times. So, in the end, I was not all torn up about this.
What did worry me, was that there were 3 or 4 pages left in the book, and some BIG things were not resolved. I was quite thankful, and impressed, that Laure was able to give me that closure in such a subtle way. I was good at the end. A few tears escaped my eyes, and I was good.
Overall: tugged at my heart, enjoyable read.