Haden Lord, the disgraced prince of the Underrealm, has been sent to the mortal world to entice a girl into returning with him to the land of the dead. Posing as a student at Olympus Hills High—a haven for children of the rich and famous—Haden must single out the one girl rumored to be able to restore immortality to his race.
Daphne Raines has dreams much bigger than her tiny southern Utah town, so when her rock star dad suddenly reappears, offering her full tuition to Olympus Hills High’s prestigious music program, she sees an opportunity to catch the break she needs to make it as a singer. But upon moving into her estranged father’s mansion in California, and attending her glamorous new school, Daphne soon realizes she isn’t the only student in Olympus who doesn’t quite belong.
Haden and Daphne—destined for each other—know nothing of the true stakes their fated courtship entails. As war between the gods brews, the teenagers’ lives collide. But Daphne won’t be wooed easily and when it seems their prophesied link could happen, Haden realizes something he never intended—he’s fallen in love. Now to save themselves, Haden and Daphne must rewrite their destinies. But as their destinies change, so do the fates of both their worlds.
A pulsating romance of epic proportions, Bree Despain’s The Shadow Prince will leave her fans breathless for the next book in the Into The Dark series.
- ISBN10 1606844067
- ISBN13 9781606844069
- Publish Date 1 January 2014
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Carolrhoda Lab (R)
- Format eBook
- Pages 496
- Language English

It did take me a few chapters to warm up to The Shadow Prince. Luckily, it's long though, so there was plenty of good stuff to come! I was a bit confused in the beginning with all of this talk of Oracles, Underlords, Lessers, Champions, and Boons. What does it all mean?! I made some assumptions, which wound up bring correct. But the hows and whys of everything were super interesting! They just come kind of late, but I didn't see any way for all of this information to be revealed earlier without feeling forced. As it is, it is an info-dump as Haden explains everything to Daphne. But it was an interesting info-dump! I loved how the author interpreted the myths and created her world around it. Everything just fits.
Haden is sooo awkward! He wasn't meant to be a Champion, so he has no training. In fact, his father disowned him, because of reasons. So everyone is shocked that the all-knowing Oracle would choose him for the most important Boon seeking mission ever instead of his golden boy brother. Of course, I can't tell you why it's so important, but I can say it involves a war! And creepy things! And destruction! And a twist! But back to Haden. He really has no clue how to be human, so his cousin Dax who was a previous Champion directs him to YouTube. I'm sure you can guess why that's a bad idea.
Other than Haden's mission to get Daphne back to the Underrealm, The Shadow Prince has this kind of missing persons mystery going on. Daphen's friend Tobin's sister has been missing for six years, and he's desperate to find her, not believing she's dead. He's done his research and has managed to figure out that Haden's "family" must be involved somehow. I did figure out part of the twist, but it took me awhile. People are not who they seem! In fact, the entire town where Haden is sent to retrieve Daphne is really off, as is the small town she grew up in. I can't wait to learn more about both of these places!
I really enjoyed The Shadow Prince. At times, it does read like a typical YA Paranormal Romance, but it doesn't end up being one! It actually gets pretty exciting once Daphne learns of her heritage and destiny, and then Haden is conflicted over emotions and duty, and it's kind of a mess. But Daphne isn't some wilting flower and isn't willing to just go along with the plan, and she knows how to punch! And there's a super awesome tiny kitty who you don't want to piss off.
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.


At first I was really into the book, then I tapered off a little, but then by the end I was so completely absorbed I wanted to read it again….the same day I finished. I loved the plot and the incorporation of the Greek myths. I thought the concept that Bree Despain comes up with is very unique and creative. I also liked how even though it was a dual point of view. I really felt like it was Haden’s story. Yes of course Daphne’s parts are important but it really felt like he was the character developing the most and it felt so refreshing. I was adored the side characters both good and bad.
I had a weird kind of love for Haden. Weird being he kind of comes off as a bit of jerk but at the same time there is innocence about him. He lives in a cut throat world that is really looking to cut his particular throat. He wants to prove himself but is impulsive and gets carried away. He has kind of entitled issue that has been bred into him. The thing that makes him different then the rest of the underlords though is he has conscious that comes out the more you read. So for some reason I formed a fondness for him. He wants to be heartless but he just can’t and as the story progresses I fall more and more in love with him. He is definitely boyfriend book material.
Daphne annoyed me in the beginning. I had trouble connecting with her from some reason. I kind of felt like she was a brat. I seemed to like her more when she was by herself rather than interacting other people. She is very judgemental and it bugged when she would say things about Tobin like, I guess i don’t really know him... you’ve known him for a week!!! I kept telling myself it was her situation and she would grow on me. Which she did about halfway through the book. The more she interacted with Haden the more I liked her and the more I understood her. She is one pretty tough girl and I think that her toughness was just coming through to me the wrong way. So by the end I was invested in her character.
Lexie, Tobin, Simon, Garrick, Joe, Dax and even Brim. There are a lot of important side characters and I loved how they added to the book. I admit while some I love other I couldn’t stand.Tobin completely annoys me. Especially when he goes off on Haden. I wanted to be like hello Daphne you should be pissed that this crazy guy is possessive over you even though you’ve known him, what one day. Oh wait maybe 3 even though you didn’t talk to him on the weekend. I could probably go on about my dislike of Tobin but I won’t. Simon is properly creepy for a sort of badish guy. There are moments I almost feel bad for Joe. Lexie is pretty awesome, I love when mean girl joins the band of merry men. Garrick, well, I don’t like him. I save the best for last. Dax. I loved the part he had in the story, I want to hang out with him. the awesome bromance between Haden and him kept me invested in the book. When Dax’s story finally comes out I love him even more.
I absolutely can not wait for book two and it’s epic awesomeness. The romance is very light in book one because it’s developing. Yes my friends DEVELOPING how crazy is that. I have a feeling that things are going to start moving and shaking in book two on that front. I can’t wait to see where it goes. I also can not wait to see how the story progresses. Big things are revealed towards the end and I wouldn’t say you’re left on a cliffhanger because you’re not I just want to keep reading!
So let’s say great plot, great side characters and a great male lead. I will admit I felt a little sluggish at one point in the book but I was quickly resucked in. Even with my early issues in Daphne I would say to definitely pick up the book. If you are Greek mythology lover like I am you most certainly like this take.

Hiyaah! First of all, I want to apologize for spamming you with late ARC reviews. I’ve been gone for almost five months and I still have 10 pending book reviews. >, I’m really sorry for that. Anyway, here’s the review for Shadow Prince.
OMFG! The Shadow Prince is another book that had me reeling in the world of awesomeness. I was actually ashamed by the fact that I went into it with a pre-conceived notion that it’s going to be another crap mythos. Can’t blame me because just months ago, I was unfortunate to read another Greek myth based novel entitled Silent Echo. What’s worst is the fact that this book is also about a singing heroine which is so reminiscent of Portia, the heroine of Silent Echo. I thought I was in for another hellish ride but was so relieved that The Shadow Prince was able to prove that it’s not just your run-of-the-mill mythos. It has spunk and certainly offered something new to the table.
While the Percy Jackson series is a tale of all the greek gods and goddesses, The Shadow Prince is a rendition of Hades and Orpheus’ story. Haden, The Shadow Prince, is the son of the interim ruler of the Underworld, King Ren. Disowned and stripped of his royal privileges, a sudden twist of fate has offered him a chance to restore his lost glory and honor. That chance involved bringing a mortal girl in the person of Daphne Raines to the Underworld to retrieve something that has been stolen from Hades. While Haden is endowed with godly powers, it certainly wouldn’t help in ensuring Daphne’s willingness to go to the other side with him.
I just couldn’t express how much I love this book. Charged with an atmosphere of tension and interesting vibe, its beginning immediately pulled me in. It’s such a powerful opening salvo that I found it hard to put the book down. And as I navigated through the whole book, it wasn’t just the beginning that drew me in. The main characters were perfect for me despite that some of the second characters were kind of left out. Haden is your typical underdog, but what sets him apart from those typical pitiful boys is that when he’s consumed with uncertainty and self-pity, he just powers through even if it puts him in a very bad but funny situation. This book has enough humor to set me off to mental land. OMFG, the way he adjusted to the mortal world and attempted to get Daphne’s attention were heartwarming and something I needed after reading a lot of books that had eyerolling jokes.
Daphne didn’t disappoint either. I liked that the author created her without using the generic pattern of YA heroines which is pathetic, simple, naïve, has a low self-esteem, and that entire BS. Daphne is tall, confident and knows how to use her strengths when they’re needed. She’s ambitious without being bitchy. She asserts herself without being bossy. Really, she’s just a very likeable character who spends her day not thinking about boys. Instead, she makes her day worthwhile by doing her passion, thinking about her family and obsessing about the mystery that surrounds Olympus Hills.
The second characters were kind of average though. For me, they’re okay but I think the author could still do something to make them okayER. I am already on the verge of really loving them but not quite there yet if that even makes sense.
Another selling point of this book is the world building. On one hand, Despain managed to paint a very vivid picture of the Underrealm without resorting to an infodump. And then she constructed another one called Olympus Hills. It’s pretty impressive because Olympus Hills is supposed to be another high end community where celebrities lived but Despain made it in a way that it has the feel of coming out straight from a fantasy book whilst maintaining a semblance of realism.
While the plot may not be that original considering that it’s about the retelling of Orpheus and Hades’ story, Despain was creative enough to weave something extraordinary out of it. It has equal amounts of romance, creepy mystery, funky humor and of course, a mythos that you would certainly love. Though pleased with the plot, I must say that it’s not perfect. Near the end of the book, our characters were put in a situation where they just solved it too easily. Maybe things would’ve been more awesome if Despain tried to infuse more action into it than just going the easy way out. But anyway, my love for this book is enough to make me overlook that problem.
And that ending, it was very satisfying and thrilling. It explained a lot of things, but still contained enough secrets to make you restless for the next book to come out.
All in all, The Shadow Prince is another book that I don’t want to end. I hope Bree is sensible enough to get her a—working double time and release the sequel.
Thanks to the publisher for the free e-ARC!

Publicado originalmente: El Extraño Gato del Cuento
Bree Despain es una escritora de la cual conocía de nombre, mas su trabajo nunca lo había experimentado. Por alguna razón, cuando este libro llegó a mis manos, sin saber de qué iba o ver la portada (mi ARC vino solo con título), alguna fuerza mística me dijo que TENÍA que leerlo.
Definiré el libro así: LO AMÉ.
Personajes, historia, narración, maquetación. TODO
Daphne y Haden son geniales. Haden tiene una inocencia muy extraña, al venir del submundo, no tienen ni idea de lo que está pasando. Daphne sale del tópico pequeña-damisela-en-apuros, hay pocas protagonistas altas, a pesar de que mi tamaño es nivel duende, me gustó (y a mi Parabatai seguro también :D ). Es un libro completo porque los personajes secundarios no son solo relleno, Tobin, el papá de Daphne, las malas pero divertidas o que no son tan malas, el Séquito del Campeón. Disfruté cada instante de interacción entre ellos. Así que no solo tenemos historia de Chica-Conoce-Chico.
Lo que me gustó también es que no pierde el factor sorpresa, mientras yo construía mi tería de conspiración y premeditación con un poco de poción multijugos, el final del libro fue tan "WHAT?" ¡¿Cómo no me di cuenta?!Estuve feliz con la sorpresa, aunque no exactamente feliz porque la sorpresa fue... sería un spoiler.
Sin embargo, The Shadow Prince robó mi corazón no solo por lo que ya les conté, no sé si sabes pero estoy un poco obsesionada con la mitología griega, y este libro es un retelling de uno muy popular, Hades y Perséfone, una historia que tiene varias adaptaciones literarías (vease Underworl de Meg Cabot, Aprendiz de Dios de Aimee Carter por nombrar algunas), siempre me gusta leer de nuevo o algo nuevo sobre ese mito. Pero, lo que más me gustó, es que creo que es la primera vez que mi mito favorito de la vida tiene cierta importancia en un libro: "Orfeo y Euridice" AMO ESA HISTORIA. Como digo no es la historia central, sí tiene cierta relevancia, Bree va combinando de poco a poco los dos mitos, así que mi ojo de Oráculo me dice que en los siguientes libros podría tomar más importancia. ¡Ojalá!
Por si quedan dudas AMÉ EL LIBRO, no tienen idea de como espero su continuación que se publica en... 2015 ._.
Reseña Completa (comentarios, quejas y amenazas): El Extraño Gato del Cuento