Written on Apr 19, 2019
Harry awakens to find he is somewhere in between the living and the dead. Carmichael, Murphy’s old partner pulls him in to meet the Captain. They task him with finding his killer and restoring balance. I really wondered where Butcher would take things. Harry’s death has messed Molly up and I found myself worried about her. Murphy, Butters and the werewolves have joined forces to protect Chicago along with others. The events in Changes have has far-reaching effects beyond what Harry imagined.
The bits with Butters and the geeky stuff…hilarious! I freaking love his new roommate. I can say no more. Spoilers, darling.
Fighting specters, opened gates, and battles await you. but first we need Mortimer and Sir Stuart (whom I loved). Harry finds himself powerless and a complete noob to the rules of the dead. This provided some humor, but also created obstacles. As usual Harry risks afterlife and bends the rules.
This story read much like an ending to the series. Harry comes to terms with things and the whodunit…wowsers! Had I not known there are more stories I would have wept like a baby.
Butcher weaved danger, twists and humorous moments as I held my breath wondering how he would make things right. Speeches, nods to fandoms, and a killer ending left me reaching for Cold Days.
James Marsters narrates, but I saw that he was not the first. I am glad I came to this series late and got to experience Marsters as the narrator. He has become the voice of Harry and these characters. Why mess with perfection? This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer