Written on Jul 31, 2014
Lenah was a smart and brave character who managed to astound me in so many ways. Sometimes, I loved her personality and her brains, but at other times, I got annoyed at her stupidity and her actions. Even although Lenah was over 500 years old, she acted like a teenager and sounded like one too, but it was her regrets, her sorrows and her pain that made her seem as old as she was said to be.
This book has the unfortunate insta-love between Lenah and Justin. For some reason, I couldn't click with Justin. I didn't like him, didn't like that Lenah liked him and honestly felt that he was a jerk with absolutely no depth whatsoever. And after a few weeks, he proclaims his undying love and forevers... Yeah, right! Tony was a cool friend, except for the part where he proclaimed his love for Lenah too. Thank goodness that was idea was staked very early in the book. We also have the Three Piece, three stereotypical mean girls, but in the end, they did manage to seem a little less stereotypical.
What I did love was the concept of the vampires. These vampires are mean, evil, ruthless and cruel and will kill without any hesitation. I also loved the flashbacks of Lenah's life as a vampire queen and the way in which she was once one of the most evil vampires of her time and I loved seeing her change and her growth throughout the book.
I have mixed feelings about Infinite Days. Some parts, I enjoyed. Some parts made me want to drive a stake through my heart, while other parts seemed to get a whole load better at the end.
But if you looking for a vampire queen turned human, then this book, will be your cup of blood.