The Scarlet Ribbon follows James Quinn, a young Irish surgeon battling prejudice, suspicion and personal demons in his controversial quest to change the face of medicine. Following his marriage, tragedy strikes, thrusting James into a life of turmoil, alcohol and despair. Throwing himself into his work, the young surgeon eventually begins to find solace in the most unexpected of places. From the backstreets of Paris, through the glittering social whirl of London, and finally back to Ireland again, this is a story of the thorns of love and the harsh reality of life in the eighteenth century, where nothing is simple and complications of all kinds surround James Quinn, man midwife.
- ISBN10 0752473565
- ISBN13 9780752473567
- Publish Date 30 January 2012 (first published 1 January 2012)
- Publish Status Permanently Withdrawn
- Out of Print 29 April 2021
- Publish Country GB
- Imprint The History Press Ltd
- Format eBook (EPUB)
- Pages 240
- Language English