Written on Oct 22, 2016
Furthermore, I really appreciate how Riordan never fails to make me smile. This story has a very dark tone and you will be tense throughout the whole book, holding your breath at times. However, at some points I just couldn't help but bursting into a loud laugh. Despite the gloomy plot this never seems out of place!
Throughout the entire Heroes of Olympus series, the characters had to face big challenges and were shaped by them. The all grew up, changed and adapted. I hate it when a character remains static during and entire series just because the readers like him or her tha way. Riordan really makes a point of developing his characters well. They do not only grow with each task, but you can also tell that they get older and thus change too.
And finally, let me state how thrilling this story was. In Riordan's novels basically everything is possible, you never know what happens next.
Not only The Blood of Olympus, the entire Heroes of Olympus series is a big recommendation! Amazing books, and guess what, you can even learn something while reading!