Written on Jul 13, 2015
I do want to say, this is not a dating "How-To" book at all. This book is a look at two people who go through so much soul searching as they befriend each other almost 3,000 miles apart. They have both been through their own kind of hell and are tired of it all. They are single parents trying to do their best. I enjoyed reading about their friendship that did eventually end up in love, but it took some time. There was a lot of purging of the souls, and taking some good hard look at themselves and how they view life.
This book made me think long and hard about my own life. I think it will make other readers do the same, whether divorced or if you've been married for 30 years. This book will show lessons of having faith and hope in your life, as well as forgiving others and yourself. It's entertaining and reads like a novel with the journal excerpts and emails. It's based on the life of LDS people, but I think anyone of any faith will enjoy reading this.