I just don't know how to accurately review someone's life. Sure, I've read some biographies and nonfiction, and last year around this time, I read [b:The Complete Maus|15195|The Complete Maus (Maus, #1-2)|Art Spiegelman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327354180s/15195.jpg|1658562]. And it pretty much broke my heart.
This story did the same. It was such an informative and necessary read. I would recommend it to anyone. Harden did a good job at showing the reader Shin's story, while also showing the atrocities that are continuing to go on in North Korea.
It wasn't entertaining, and I didn't find any joy in reading this story. But, it was thought provoking and a reminder to always keep my eyes and heart open, and to never close my mind to the pain and human sufferings that go on all of the world.
When I can, I need to do what I can to help always.