Written on Sep 19, 2021
But Kinsey Millhone isn't Jack Reacher - her speed is more Tracy Crosswhite. [b:My Sister's Grave|22341263|My Sister's Grave (Tracy Crosswhite, #1)|Robert Dugoni|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1405267054l/22341263._SY75_.jpg|41739579] Her cases aren't full of action and high speed chases - they're slowly nitpicking away until something clicks into place. She writes down all her thoughts and places her facts and ideas on 3x5 index cards - which she often shuffles and rearranges to help her solve her case. And I love it. Kinsey Millhone is great - but she's not for everyone.
For some reason I've seen reviewers compare this to Stephanie Plum - I don't know why - this is absolutely NOTHING like that. Stephanie Plum is a very different character and an extremely different type of book. That's more fluff. Kinsey Millhone is more procedural mysteries. And this series isn't current - it was first published in the 80's - there's not really technology. Messages were relayed by calling the landlines. Paper files were still the main form of storage. Not everyone will enjoy reading this. But if you like your mysteries to be more like procedurals with a determined and fierce character - Kinsey Millhone is for you.
Well there you go, Kinsey has family on the dad's side. I really wish she would've gotten a chance to meet Terrence. She's right in one sense, too many of her goodbyes are final ones. Although I guess she didn't actually get a goodbye for this one. And I actually really wanted her to investigate the crime he was convicted of. I mean, I didn't mind how it turned out - I ended up not hating Pete (although mostly cause of his wife) and I loved the conclusion of the gun switch. That part was hilarious. but it wasn't what I was expecting. Still it was enjoyable. There's a tiny bit of romance in this one - Dietz is back, Cheney is back - I still hate both. I could do without the romance.
I loved William's dramatic streak - and the cat! - it had me in hysterics. Poor Henry getting saddled with the cat that tripped Nell. On the other hand - William was clearly spot on - and it was perfect for Henry to have some company.
4 stars.