The Beekeeper of Aleppo was beautifully written. That was the first thing I thought when I started reading this book. It was incredibly moving and emotional. The second thing I thought was, how unfair life is for people in countries where war is immediately around them.
The Beekeeper of Aleppo tells the story of a beekeeper, Nuri and his wife Afra, fleeing their home in Aleppo, Syria because of war. Having to make their way across the world trying to find somewhere where they can legally seek asylum. It switched between present time in England where they're waiting for their asylum trial, and the journey they had to take to get there, just trying to survive.
This story is very moving, and eye-opening. The things that asylum seekers might have to go through, what forces people to leave their home in search of simply being able to live their life peacefully. I felt heartbroken for Nuri and Afra, but also for all people that have been torn from their homes because of war.
This story wasn't my usual read, and I have read this for a book club, but it was a very good read. Beautifully written and incredibly emotional.