Written on Jul 30, 2013
My thoughts are all in a flurry regarding this book, so let me try to keep this organized, short, and sweet. I loved that this book was action-packed. It didn't need to build a whole new plot, rather it just revealed an underlying plot that we as readers, nor the Luxen, knew was simmering beneath the surface of the previous novel. Yes, there is romance, and yes, Daemon Black is an undeniably attractive para-noyying male protagonist a la Edward, Patch, whatever your poison may be, but this book made me care so much about the characters, about the plot, about the outcome, and about aspects I'd never thought I was into (a little sci-fi, a little government conspiracy, etc).
I continue to applaud Katy for being a more feminist protagonist regarding her relationship with the main love interest, though she (disappointingly) falls into many of the stereotypes of the other paranormal romance protagonists: love triangle with a "human", trusting all the wrong people, not seeing things that were right in front of her face which gets people killed, I'm sure you get the drift by now. I was surprised that I wanted to wring her neck in this one when I loved her so much in the first book. But hey, maybe that makes her portrayal all the more realistic- she's human and human's are fallible at the best of times.
Armentrout is not afraid to approach tough topics and that is apparent in the sexism Katy faces, the corruption in the government, the intolerance the Luxen face from being different and their desperate attempts at assimilation, the view of minorities as sub-humans that majority groups hold, and the brutality of violence- death is not shied away from in this book, nor is torture, desperation, and betrayal.
Bottom line: This is a request, no, a plight, that is YA fiction is up your alley, to please please please take the time to read this series, because A) it is fantastic and B) I need more people to talk about it with!