Written on Dec 8, 2016
I read Garden Spells when it was first published (almost ten years ago!). Since I couldn't remember much of the plot, I decided to listen to the audio book from the library. This novel really does an amazing job entwining three narratives - Clair, Sydney, and Evanelle - together in a romantic, lyrical journey. Each Waverly is a unique individual, each with her own struggles and tribulations. It's a beautifully written book with striking imagery of a small, southern town. The only problem for me was the conflict at the end. After the buildup for a showdown, it really just felt anticlimactic and messy.
I enjoyed the audio book. The narrator created a dynamic story, although more distinction between Clair and Sydney's voices was needed. Sometimes I had a hard time knowing which sister was speaking if they shared a scene.
tl;dr A delightfully coming home story full of friendship, love, and romance.