I loved that the list forced them to push their boundaries. They were finally mixing with people outside their clique of two, and they were growing. David experienced a lot more growth than Julia, and the changes were quite evident in how he started to see his world, including his friendship with Julia.
As I was listening to this book I couldn't understand why the rating was so low, because I honestly enjoyed all the shenanigans these two were up to. However, the story took a wrong turn towards the end, I think I yelled out something to the effect of, "This is some bulls**t!". I was not happy. IF, certain things had not transpired on the beach, I could have bought into some decisions Alsaid made, but with something happening that late in the book, I just could not swallow that pill.
I can objectively say, that this story wasn't terrible. It was quite fun and enjoyable, and I was all for this friendship, but I struggled with a particular choice that was made for our duo, and that made me drop it a star.