From the cover, I expected this to be told from Lia's point of view. But, no, it's still Gabi's. I liked that they re-entered the world ready for what they'd encounter. I was definitely more on board with the romances. There still seemed to be some contrived politics but they were in the background so they weren't too distracting. In fact, I suspect I wasn't the only one not entirely on board with the main romance and so something needed to decisively change to make the reader's allegiance easier to shift. Contrived or not, it worked.
Somewhere in the middle I got a bit tired of the girls always on the run, something always going wrong, someone always after them. I wanted new plot elements instead of the same turns again and again. I did like that they used some of their knowledge from the future, but then it didn't seem like it did as much good as it seemed it would.
And then I eventually got a few new turns so it worked out.
And Gabi's voice seemed… less ridiculous and b-movie teenager which made the whole story more enjoyable.