Baroness Book Trove
Written on May 9, 2014
This book is another good one. Heather Sunseri is an author that I am starting to like very much. She is a pretty good author and this book is a lot better than the first one. We learn a whole lot more in this book than we did in the second one.
I still feels bad for Lexi who lost her father in the first book since all she has left is her grandmother and mother left. The grandmother who barely remembers her and a mother that is basically nonexistent ever since she left them when she was young. Especially after the mother find out what her daughter actually is.
We actually found out a lot more about all of the clones that Lexi's father helped created when they were younger. In this one the ending was a good one even if I really want to know what happens but I have way too many books to read right now to read Mindsurge.
To read more of my reviews please go to my blog: http://baronessbooktrove.blogspot.com/