Cress begins in space, where we meet Cress and get a glimpse of the solitary life she has led in the satellite she calls home. Meanwhile Cinder, Scarlet, Wolf and Captain Throne are making plans to thwart Queen Levana and her grizzly army. A dangerous rescue plans ends in disaster separating our favorite posse and the tale that unfolds was fantastic.
All of our favorite characters are present and we are introduced too new ones. Cress is brilliant, naïve and incredibly brave. One cannot help but adore her. Meyer continues to flesh out her characters; even the secondary characters are well developed allowing the reader to connect. I felt their pain, elation, and fears. Each character has their own strengths and weaknesses. Together they create this team of crusaders that feels genuine. They work incredibly well together and I loved their interactions. We have a little romance, some delightful banter and moments that made me laugh aloud. Meyer’s introduces two new characters. Winter is Luna and gads if I don’t want to more.
One would think with all of the new characters introduced that we would lose a sense of the plot, but Meyer’s outdoes herself time and time again. Cress was flawlessly executed, from the changing points of view to the multiple threads. Things take a more serious tone, and the plot tightens in Cress as Meyer amps up the danger. There are some developments that are darker leaving me to worry about beloved characters. There was an emotional moment that made me cry. From the retellings to the intense plot she left me breathless and begging for more.
Fans of the series will be deeply satisfied with Cress. If you haven’t yet tried the Lunar Chronicles, now is the time! Catch up so you can be on pins and needles like the rest of us waiting for, Winter, the fourth book. From what we have experienced so far we are in for one heck of a ride.