It was honestly impossible to see where the book would go next and there’s a few pretty surprising twists and turns that you won’t see coming. The book is told in three parts, and I was never sure what was coming next. Would Kate truly unravel to the point of no return? Was she ACTUALLY seeing a little boy? Would her sister Sally ever be anything but a drunk mess? It was so hard to trust Kate’s narrative, though, because you know she’s suffered lots and lots of trauma, and with everyone around her questioning her – even the police! – you kinda get to thinking that she must be untrustworthy, it must all be in her head. But you keep reading anyway because the narrative was so gripping.
My Sister’s Bones is definitely one of the most surprising, shocking books I’ve read. I didn’t see the ending coming, I didn’t expect it to pan out that way at all, and you know when you think you know a character and then it’s like you didn’t know them at all? That’s the scariest part. Nuala wrote her characters SO WELL, so convincingly! And you just kind of have to back up and wonder if there were signs, if you missed something? It was the greatest fake-out in the history of fake-outs. Nuala Ellwood is a cracking writer, she had me for a good’un.