I received an advanced reader’s copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Okay guys, listen up. We’re barely into 2015 and I have to tell you, it’s going to be hard to beat this book for favourite of the year. Heck, I read this in 2014 and I already knew it was one of my favourites not only for the year, but just in general. This is a doozy of a book, so take a deep breathe and delve in. I definitely don’t want to overhype it because that never turns out well, so go in with little expectation (but seriously though, this book. This. Book.).
My friend read this book and has amazing things to say about it, so I was scared the book wouldn’t live up to the rave review. From the first few pages though, I was in. The writing is great. The character’s voices and personalities and developments are fantastic. These are the things that make me love a book, and they are all so strong in this novel. I was so charmed by and fell in love with Finch. He’s so clever and amusing…but it’s also apparent that he is deeply troubled. While he waxes poetic about living life fully to Violet, he also thinks about suicide a lot. I think this book addresses mental illness and suicide pretty well, especially the fact that there’s such a stigma surrounding them. I didn’t click with Violet quite as much, though. It’s like there’s some invisible force in the way, because she’s an okay character and has her own inner demons and hopes, but I just felt a little distanced most of the time.
While there are some (semi-spoilery) aspects of the plot I’m not in love with, I still come away really liking the book. The characters and voice make this a very compelling novel for me. They make the story interesting to read, even if the events in the story aren’t always amazing.
This book will simultaneously punch you in the heart and make you smile. It is great, and I hope you like it just as much as I do.