Sarah Says
Written on Aug 12, 2014
The book reads as a lovely sweet romance – girl (Faith) wants guy (Carter) who doesn't see her as anything more than a friend, then he finally wakes up to himself but is too scared to do anything about it for fear of ruining the friendship - I was really enjoying reading it but got a shock when at about 67% through the book we get a steamy love scene between the pair. I wasn't shocked that they hooked up as the story was building to that, but it’s obvious I don’t read many romances that aren't considered YA, as you don’t come across such descriptive sex scenes in the material written for a younger audience, haha Well Darrrr, of cause not. Never the less It was a delicious and enjoyable addition to the already fun story that really propelled the desire to finish the book. At around the 85% mark Carter turned into a raving manic jerk-face and nearly ruined the whole book for me. I was saying to myself “Fuck him Faith you deserve better, leave that asshole for dust” but he redeemed himself via having an epiphany as to how much of an arse-wipe he had been.
And they lived happily ever after. I love happy endings. Books need to have happy ending because in reality things don’t play out the same way and all us girls that have been heartbroken need a happily ever after world to escape to.