Mini review: I tend to prefer the first book in a series over the second (and normally over all other installments), but in this case, I actually liked Bloodfever better than Darkfever. By this point in the series, I am pretty well oriented in the universe of Makayla Lane. I even know her name now! I still think she has a pretty unhealthy relationship with Bairns and he hasn't grown on me much at all. It's obvious to me where things are going between them and I hope he softens up quite a bit before then.
This installment raised more questions of than answered, but it did answer a few. I like the new Michaela that is emerging. Obviously, she couldn't stay her "pink and rainbow" self for much longer, given the types of situations she was encountering almost daily in Scotland. I hope she continues turning into the type of heroine I like: The kind that does the saving, rather than waiting to get saved.
It took even last time to finish this installment than the first and I'm planning on starting the third immediately.