Terri M. LeBlanc
Written on Jul 1, 2016
I acquired by first copy of The Empire of Darkness years ago and recall falling in love with the story. I was determined to finish the series, but it took some time to find the other two books in the series. Once I had The War of Crowns and The Flaming Sword the set languished on my shelves. In the past, I have been reluctant to re-read and I knew in order to get through books two and three, I would need a refresher by re-reading book 1.
In July, I found out that Fantasy is More Fun and Because Reading were hosting a “Can You Read a Series in a Month?” Challenge and I thought that The Queen of Freedom Trilogy would be the perfect candidate for the Challenge. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
What is hard about reading books in translation is that it is hard to determine if the weakness you observe in the novel were in the original text or a due to poor translation to English or due, in this case, to a part of history where little is known about the cast of characters.
The entire time I read The Empire of Darkness I felt as though I was just skimming the surface. The characters were one-dimensional caricatures. The tropes in this novel are strong.
I did make it through book 1 and in an effort to try and participate in the challenge, I dived right into book 2, The War of Crowns. I didn’t even make it through 50 pages before I started to suspect that perhaps this book was subject to a poor translation instead of being just poorly written in its native language.
You see in book one, Sequen (the poor boy) has a faithful pet sidekick, his donkey Long Ears. (Yeah, I know the characters are not well named. One of the rebels known solely as Mustache because well, he has a mustache.). And then on page 12 of The War of the Crowns, the donkey’s name is Way-Finder. There were also some plot elements that didn’t seem to quite match up between book one two. As a result, I dropped book 2 like a hot potato and marked it and book 3 as abandoned on GoodReads.
I honestly have no clue what I saw in The Empire of Darkness all those years ago. I can only assume that I have grown in my reading since this initial read through and expect a bit more from my picks than I did in the past.
This review was originally posted on Second Run Reviews