Written on Dec 1, 2014
1. It was set in Scotland. I have a love affair with Scotland going on. I read everything and anything that I can get my hands on about Scotland. Such a history rich country!!!
2. Riley’s character. I like the fact that the author chose to tackle cutting. Self-harming isn’t addressed enough in books or it is glorified. Riley’s cutting was incorporated into the storyline and the author chose to do it in a very classy way.
3. Ian’s character. Even though he was a ghost, he smoldered in this book.
What I disliked about The Deepest Cut:
1. Laria’s character. I felt awful for her character. I wish that more was revealed about her!!! A journal wasn’t enough. And she gave me the creeps.
2. The local kids. For some reason, they all rubbed me the wrong way. Too much cattiness from all ends. Drove me nuts to read those scenes.
3. Riley’s dad. Didn’t read that much about him in the book except for in the beginning.
**I voluntarily reviewed this book**
Blog Link: https://readwithme2018.com/2014/12/01/the-deepest-cut-the-mackinnon-curse-book-1-by-j-a-templeton/