Cocktails and Books
Written on Sep 23, 2013
Helen and Joe balanced each other perfectly. They managed to calm the other, in different ways, that made them reach for their future...regardless of what may have been in the past. Helen may have had a harder time realizing that it was OK for her to show her feeling for Joe, especially after he admitted he felt the same way, but her heart knew what it wanted, it just took a little bit to convince her brain (which Joe did a really good job of convincing).
I loved how Helen and Joe's families (since there seemed to be a rash of one marrying into the other) stood by to support both of them...even down to Claire and Josh's oldest kids. They never judged. They were always right there to support one or both of them and make sure they knew they would always have their back(s).
A fabulous, fabulous series and a great story to round out the older characters. I would love to see some kind of story for Natalie and/or Will down the line, but if the series were to end today, it ended on the best possible note.