Written on Oct 6, 2012
I didn't realize how much I could miss a fictional land until I read Morpho. I mean, vicious killer bunnies and steam punk, what's not to love? Ms. Dawson does a wonderful job with world building, as I can picture the carnival, the clock-work creatures, and the fantastic clothing worn by everyone.
Madam Morpho is running from something, and it is revealed, bit by painful bit, that she has had nothing but horrendous things happen to her. But talk about turning lemons into freaking lemonade, I would have not turned out half as good and smart as she did. Though her spunk is believable.
And the love story aspect - though it moves fast (it is a novella after all) it is SO SWEET. Morpho and Murdoch sitting in a tree ... f-u-c ... well, you get the picture. ;-) I love me a hot recluse. There is something about getting a man to tell you all his secrets that gets me all hot and bothered. And apparently Madam Morpho feels the same way.
While I found the ending rather predictable, it really couldn't (and shouldn't!) have ended any other way. Of course, those of us that know and love Criminy know he takes care of his own. I give the whole thing a good 4 stars