Written on Mar 3, 2020
Lethal Game continues the Ghostwalkers series and I am really loving it! Malichai is an enhanced super soldier who was recently injured on a mission. To his dismay, he must now take a "vacation". While at a cute bed and breakfast in California, he meets Amaryllis, a worker at the B and B who is most certainly hiding something. Challenge accepted!
Malichai is a badass super soldier for sure, but seeing him in a noncombat setting, doing domestic things like fixing a dishwasher really made him a dynamic character. He breaks a lot of the trends of male heroes-he isn't conceited, he isn't a whore, and he values kindness. Amaryllis is a mystery in the beginning (to both the reader and Malichai) but it was entertaining to see Malichai peel back the layers! Amaryllis' history was intriguing and I really appreciated how developed her character was in Lethal Game.
Don't let the cute, sea side setting fool you-there is still plenty of action and danger. However, the plot of Lethal Game doesn't have some of the super dark elements that some of Feehan's books harbor. I thought it was kind of a nice change (I read Vendetta Road last month and it was VERY dark). While I have not read all the books in the Ghostwalkers series, Lethal Game makes me want to read more of them for sure! If you like a touch of paranormal/supernatural with your suspense, Lethal Game delivers in spades. It also gives you some GREAT characters that will hold a place in my heart for sure.
- POV: 3rd
- Tears: no
- Trope: military
- Triggers: none
- Series/Standalone: stand alone (this is part of a LONG series, but you could pick this one up and not feel totally lost)
- Cliffhanger: no
- HEA: yes
Authors like JR Ward, Abbie Roads, Nalini Singh...then you will probably like Lethal Game!
See full review on The Book Disciple