Written on Sep 28, 2020
This Volume has 2 arcs in it with one being about Mr. Negative and the other with the conclusion of the Scorpio story line.
Not every comic has to have wow factors, since there released at least monthly but this book was easy to read, with great art. Even though Peter is in a professional setting, he still finds time to be his funny self. I laughed several times when reading.
Not everybody will like this direction there leading Spider-man and Peter Parker but to me it makes sense. I know there is some trouble brewing ahead but I hope that at the end of it, Peter will still have his company. I'm tired of seeing down on his luck and out of money Peter, because he is too smart for that. I would hate for him to move backwards and place him back to the position he was in his twenties. That doesn't make sense, since he is no longer a kid anymore.
I am loving this new series of Spider-Man and can't wait to read volume 3.