Written on Sep 10, 2020
I love love loved the show and was sold within the first couple of seconds. I was beyond excited that we'd be getting a second season, so you can imagine my disappointment when it got canceled.
My hopes for high for the comics to provide me with some answers - the first season had ended with a pretty big cliffhanger, so I had questions!
Well, the comics did none of that.
First of all, I didn't like comic Syd. At all. Her most annoying traits were constantly in the foreground. While in the show, the character had enough depth to be relatable even in her annoying or questionable moments, in the comics we get none of that.
There was nothing really likable about her and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't relate to her. On top of that, the story may have its moments but it feels rushed and lacks depth. It's as shallow as a puddle on the street while the show was setting us up to gaze into an ocean.
Also, there wasn't much explanation, only an abrupt and surprising ending, that was rather jarring. I was even more disappointed by that than I was by the cancellation of season 2.