Cocktails and Books
Written on May 21, 2012
Annabelle takes on her roll as governess with a fortitude that is commendable. She manages to get rid of the horrible Mr. Bunting who believes in ruling the schoolroom with an iron fist and boring lectures and wrangle the Nicholas' uncle, Lord Simon Westbury, into making attempts to connect with the boy. But she also manages to ruffle feathers, not only within the Westbury / Kevern household but also those she wasn't even aware she was ruffling.
Annabelle was a character that, despite of her upbringing (or maybe because of it) was able to take enjoyment in the things other might take for granted. Everything was an adventure to her and she made it a joy for others to enjoy whatever activity she was in participating in. She was also someone who knew what it would take to make a little boy fell loved again. Everything Annabelle did was to ensure Nicholas knew he was loved and always would be.
Simon was a little bit harder connect with. He was cold and hardened by the betrayal of his brother and sister-in-law. He let that coldness he felt for them bleed over into his dealings with his nephew. His lack of sympathy for the little boy was what made it hard to have any kind hope that he would turn into the type of man Annabelle needed. However, once Simon let go of the past and the animosity he held towards two people who where no longer around, he did change into a person that was more likable.
This was a unique and entertaining spin on Cinderella. While we didn't see a lot of the "evil stepmother and step sisters" it was clear who Annabelle's Fairy Godmother was. It will be interesting to see who she slips those jewel encrusted slippers on next.