Written on Jul 24, 2020
I was really expecting descriptions/experiences of many different syndromes, but despite mentioning a number of cultural syndromes, both Eastern and Western, the book focuses primarily on one. The focus is koro, or suo yang, which is a syndrome where the patient thinks their genitals are disappearing, or even being stolen. A compelling topic, sure! But what ends up happening is that the author travels around various areas in southeast Asia, asking the same questions of various doctors and psychiatrists and getting the same answers, over and over again.
Behind all that there is some interesting content about cultural and/or psychosomatic illnesses in general, including some conditions that I wouldn't have thought of being in that category and the beginnings of people making reference to "culture" in history. But it seemed like as soon as he started getting into something interesting, we're back again with the author, asking yet another doctor if they have heard of/remember suo yang and if they ever see it now, and getting essentially the same answer as the last person he interviewed.
So not terrible, but it doesn't live up to the promise of the title.