Written on Oct 8, 2011
The Night Circus is like no book I’ve ever read before. It’s truly spectacular and, better yet, it’s truly unique. I’m sure there are many books about circuses or about magic, but none will ever come close to how special and how utterly captivating The Night Circus is. It’s not the kind of book I normally read – it isn’t Chick Lit, it isn’t a crime novel, it doesn’t seem to have a genre but anybody who likes a good story will enjoy this. You don’t have to be a circus fan, although it will probably help. You just have to like well-written fiction and you have to have a bit of an imagination. There are thousands of books published every week that say they’re fiction, but The Night Circus is true, proper fiction. It’s not something you can see happening, it’s not true-to-life, it’s good ol’ fiction and it’s stunning. It’s fiction in its purest form, a proper story. Something I’ll re-read many times, with a story I’ll never forget.
There are so many threads to The Night Circus, so many different elements and characters that help make the story what it is but it’s so easy to keep it all going. The central plot is the circus itself, of course, but there are so many layers to the novel that it’s hard to define just one main plot. It all adds up, it all comes together, all the strands, all the plots, to make an extraordinary read. There’s Celia Bowen, daughter of Prospero the Enchantor; there’s Marco, who came from nothing to be something; there’s the other folks who live in the circus; there’s a boy named Bailey who becomes a major part of the book; there’s the Murray twins Widget and Poppet; there’s Herr Thiessen, a clock-maker, and then there’s the people who started Le Cirque des Reves. There’s so much detail, so much thought that’s gone into the novel and it’s mind-blowing. There’s not a chance I picked it all up during my first read and I’m going to have to read it again because it’s the kind of book you can read again and again and I have no doubt that during the second read I’ll notice things I never noticed before. It’s that kind of novel.
Erin Morgenstern is a genius. She’s a magician. Her mind must be an amazing place to be because The Night Circus is just so rich with detail. It’s so captivating – so much so that I truly would love for The Night Circus to be real. I’d love to go and be part of that. The book just blew my mind. After reading it I can see why it’s billed as the love story of the year, why it’s billed as the best debut this year. Heck, it’s one of the best debuts ever. It is truly one of the best books I have ever read. I literally found myself reading the book slowly on purpose. I didn’t want it to end. I didn’t want to reach the end because there was something so magical about reading about everybody. I grew to love the characters so, so much and all I can do is urge you to read the book. It’s beautiful inside and out; the UK hardback is one of the most stunning books you will ever see, with so much detail having been put into it and the story inside is even better. It’s the complete package. I will never read a book like The Night Circus again. It captivated me from page one and I loved every page. All of the hype is deserved, and more. Just read it, I swear you’ll love it.