Written on Aug 10, 2015
Heat rating: 1.5
Reading Prerequisite: Book 1 and Book 2 MUST be read first!
What I liked: This book gives you everything you loved from the first two. Jackson and Ana are still dealing with the mob stuff. Braiden is still in the pen. Briony is still a huge bitch. This book gives you the cumulation to Jackson and Ana's storyline. Will they escape the mob life? Will they break up for good? Will someone try to kill Ana again? Will someone figure out what Jackson is up to and kill him?
What I didn't like: Overall, this book was exactly what I wanted. However, I found myself wanting more from certain parts of the plot and less from other parts. You can tell that the author is setting other characters up for their books and thats fine, but it did make the book awkward at a few points for me because I was like "WTH? Why does this even matter". Did it ruin the book for me? No, I still loved it! Just be aware going in that there will be more books coming that focus on different characters.
Spoilers: For those that want to know the details:
Jackson does manage to get out of the Mob. You don't know exactly what happens to Marcus but Jackson is free. He and Ana get their HEA and move to Fl to start over. You get an epilogue that looks 4 months into the future and several years. Braden is released from jail and his book is next.