Baroness Book Trove
Will Louna get another chance at a second chance of having an epic love?
Louna Barrett
Louna Barrett is the main character, and we follow her throughout the book. We watch her go from a big cynic on love to embracing it. Louna is graduating high school and getting ready to go to college, away from her mom. She was a bit hard to get to know, and I sometimes didn't like her because of how Louna acted. Besides that, Louna was a great character, and we learn quite a bit about why Louna is the way she is.
Ethan Carusos
Ethan Carusos is a guy we only get to know through flashbacks, and he is mentioned here or there by another character. He is a guy that Louna met only once at night, but it was a big night for both of them. Ethan and Louna's relationship is a significant plot point throughout the entire story, and I can't exactly say much about it for that reason. I only know that I feel bad for Louna; I understand why she is the way she is and hope that she will open up to another.
Ambrose is the main guy for Louna. He was a bit too much to deal with at first, but after a while, I got used to how he was. Ambrose isn't what most people would think of as a love interest in a young adult romance, but once you get used to him, Ambrose becomes more likable in my mind. He is a good character. I can definitely see him with Louna.
Five Stars
Once and For All by Sarah Dessen is a nice read. I recommend having a box of tissues for certain parts of this story. Ms. Dessen is a fantastic author; I have always loved her books. Granted, not all of her books are for some people, as she does some books that aren't for the faint of heart. Louna, Ethan, and Ambrose are all great characters in their ways. I am giving Once and For All by Sarah Dessen five stars and recommend it to anyone that loves to read young adult romance books that deal with second chances at love.
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Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove