CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) is a widely accepted and utilized technology among electrical engineers involved with circuit design. SET (single electron transistor) technology has recently gained significant attention, because it can be combined with CMOSs to improve overall performance of integrated circuits - reducing power consumption and achieving greater functionality. This cutting-edge resource provides professionals with the conceptual framework and specific strategies for CMSO-SET hybrid circuit design. The book offers a thorough understanding of the pros and cons of digital SETs, and explains how SETs can solve the intrinsic drawbacks of CMOS technology. From the basic physics of single electron transistors and SET modeling, to advanced concepts like CMSO-SET co-integration, the book helps engineers realize significant performance benefits by showing them how to incorporate SET technology into their design projects.
- ISBN10 1596930705
- ISBN13 9781596930704
- Publish Date 31 October 2006
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Artech House Publishers
- Format eBook
- Language English