Written on Mar 1, 2016
* Loved Kim. The magician and Hunch grew me. Their interactions were funny.
* Lots of parties involved. Reminds me of some old or classic comedies, all running into each other flopping all over the place like salmon up river.
* Fun learning along Kim to spot differences in posh and slang, magic, and acting.
* Kim was so relatable and I could feel her fear and desperation.
Book Two:
* Even better. Glad to see Kim grow. Marielon acted like an ass for most of it but shows how wrapped up in Kim's narration I was.
* Great twisting mystery.
* Very surprising twist plot, character and romance wise.
* Dawwwww at the ending.
* Loved Ignor more.
I picked this up for the cover, it's so pretty, especially the dress. But the hint of magic is what I was really looking forward to reading it. I did not know it was a regency romance. Not only was it not on my radar, romance typically isn't my genre without being wrapped up in other genres as a side plot.
On its own, no single aspect stands out above the rest except for Kim. Everything is pretty standard but I love how it's done and it comes together.
I also didn't find Kim's cant annoying, just took a bit to get used to is all.