Written on Sep 5, 2019
Jenn is the older sister who spends most of her time when not busy with school taking shifts at their parent’s antique store. Shes more referee than anything else though as her parents are almost always fighting she spends more time settling arguments then making sales. She made the decision to defer college, for now, to help out at the struggling store.
April is the younger, less timid, more funloving sister whose loves to be sporty and the center of attention. She feels bad for her sister and in hopes of cheering her up plans an entire day that provides are a quite literal walk down memory lane. Visiting places that had special meaning to them when they were close. April hopes this will cheer Jenn up. She is however in for quite a rude awakening.
I am not going to say more about the plot as I do not want to give too much of the story away. I just want to pique your interest. I enjoyed reading this book. Usually, road-trip type ya novels are not my thing. I do not know why that is, just never really been my thing. This one, however, wasn’t horrible. I like the little details that were included like how every stop April had was accompanied by a throwback type photo of them at the location when they were younger. It made me nostalgic for a time when life was much less complicated and my biggest decision was a big chapter test in Algebra. (man I hated math!)