Written on Mar 6, 2020
I snatched up the chance to see this eGalley as soon as I saw the availability without even thinking. Later, when I loaded up the file and added the details to Goodreads, I realized this is one of the Peter Spier books I actually own. I bought the 2014 jacketed hardcover reprint edition of which this paperback is a reprint of as well. I love our hardcover copy, but I relish the space-saving of which a paperback copy would permit on my stuffed glorious bookshelves.
The colors are so vibrant and the story is so telling. It is merely a wordless picture book with the simple words of the preamble shared a phrase at a time. So many details are provided in the back with details and historical information perfect for the educational application. Peter Spier books will never go out of fashion in my mind and I'd love to have them all.
I read a 2020 digital eGalley via Edelweiss. I also own a 2014 hardcover.