Garth Ennis, the writer of the best-selling thought-provoking series Preacher tells a an exciting tale of World War II in this riveting new graphic novel. In October, 1942, Allied forces are on the run from the unrelenting forces of the Nazis in North Africa. Wing Commander Robert "Battler" Britton of the Royal Air Force and his squadron are dispatched to an American airstrip to spearhead a joint action against Hitler's war machine. Now they must survive taunts, threats, and assaults ... and that's just from the Yanks!
- ISBN10 1401213782
- ISBN13 9781401213787
- Publish Date 2 May 2007
- Publish Status Out of Print
- Out of Print 27 June 2011
- Publish Country US
- Imprint DC Comics
- Format Paperback (US Trade)
- Pages 120
- Language English