Romance Schmomance
Written on Sep 21, 2015
Crash is Violet Fuller and Lincoln Hayes story; during Pulse, we learn that Violet was a victim of an extremely tragic ordeal. She finds her safe haven to be her room and behind her books, essentially afraid to live her life, but can you blame her? With everything that she deals with on a daily basis, the shame, the pain. Even with her supportive brother, Ash Fuller and his girlfriend, Ren Miller; she seeks to slowly come back into society, but it's not as easy as one thinks.
Someone who is so fearful of just about everything, she's thrown into quite the journey of getting past what she endured and finding her happy ending. And that's where Linc comes in. They've known each other since they were teenagers and have had feelings for each other since. But none of that is surfaced until they're much older.
I love and appreciated how patient he was with Violet. I've never doubted at any point in this book that he cared so much for Violet. Just the way he is with her, helping her take the little steps out of her comfort zone. You're a top-notch guy, Linc! We really see her character progress so much throughout the book. And Amity makes it so easy for us to visualize every single moment between the both of them.
There are so many heart gripping moments in this book and it's such an emotional journey for Violet. At this point, I can't exactly say who my favorite is, I just love them all.