Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading
Written on Feb 28, 2016
Based on the reviews I was expecting a story that would take me on an emotional journey. However, the journey was not what I had expected. This is not to say that this was a bad book. I found it to be an interesting read. It provided insight into the world of marriage and the simple things that can cause it to breakdown.
What I liked about this book is that the author did not write a romance story where we see the characters falling in love and getting married at the end. Instead, this story was focused on what happens after several years of marriage. I liked the author’s writing style and I liked the how seamlessly the story flowed. I am a huge fan of stories told from the character’s POV as it is my belief that this provides insight into the character’s thoughts and feelings. This was another plus for me. I was drawn into the story in the initial stages, unfortunately, this momentum did not last. As a result, it took me some time to get through the story. This was due to me being annoyed by the actions of the female protagonist.
The main characters were three dimensional which should have made it easier to connect with them. Unfortunately, I had no tolerance for the female protagonist. Seeing the events unfold through her eyes did not help as I hope it would. If anything, it increased my annoyance with her. It is my belief that her reasons for wanting a divorce were trivial. She was quick to give up on her marriage and was not willing to try and work things out. She refused to see that Nick wanted things to work and that he would do anything to save their marriage. She, however, was determined to create barriers where none needed to exist. While reading I kept asking myself how can one person be so blind? Every chance she got she blamed Nick for the breakdown of their marriage. She refused to take any responsibility. Also, I could not fathom the fact that she was the one who asked for the divorce, but when Nick gave into her demands she is upset that he did not talk her out of it. There were times when I wished I could reach into my kindle and shake some sense into her. Strangely enough, although she annoyed me, she was believable. There are persons in real life who are just as annoying as Kate.
My heart went out to Nick. It was evident that he loved his wife and would do everything in his power to save his marriage. However, a person can only do so much. Everywhere he turned he encountered obstacles. This is not to say that he did not play his part in the events that led to him and Kate wanting to end their marriage. I believe Nick had become complacent and, as a result failed to see how unhappy Kate had become. It would have been great to have great to see the story from Nick’s perspective as well. Although we did not get Nick’s POV the author was able to make me feel all that he was going through. It was clear that Nick loved Kate for him to put up with her annoying behaviour. This showed the contrast between their personalities. Kate was not happy with Nick’s actions and she was willing to give up ten years of marriage. Nick, on the other hand, was not willing to give up without a fight. Kate admitted that she never stopped loving Nick. The question that this raises is love enough to save their marriage?
Every Wrong Reason highlighted issues that most couples are faced with their relationships:
1. Failure to communicate.
2. Failure to meet each other halfway.
3. Giving up when things get tough.
4. Becoming complete strangers after being together for several years.
It showed how painful and dirty the divorce process can be. It shows that if you want your relationship to work you have to be willing to work at it.
Although, it did not give me the feels I was expecting I still found this to be an interesting read. I would definitely read more from this author.
I received a complimentary copy courtesy of the author in exchange for an honest review.