Claire Trevelyan is one of the best heroines I've seen and definitely one of the most realistic. She doesn't start out perfect - she lacks confidence, she makes mistakes and she is unwilling to stand up for what she believes in for fear of her mother and the society she doesn't actually believe in. But over the course of the series, she grows. She learns, she adapts and she molds herself a spine, becoming a fierce, kind spirited and intelligent woman who works hard and fights for what she believes in. I really love this series. It's funny, quirky and has a lot of heart.
I'm conflicted about the second book, Her Own Devices, some parts I adored, some parts left me baffled. The romance in this is just weird. I didn't get why she ever agreed to marry James Selwyn. I mean yes, I understood she was trying to achieve her goals without her mother's disapproval or disappointment - but on the other hand, here is this strongly opinionated woman who's making her own way and it was a letdown to see her buckle under the weight of societal expectations. But this is where this series is realistic - sometimes we don't have all the answers, sometimes we make mistakes or care too much about other people's opinions. So I did get it, I just didn't like it.
The romance with Andrew is easier to understand but I still wasn't cheering for them. Andrew has his moments - he recognises women can be intelligent and have good ideas but he also can be dismissive of new theories - even without hearing any details. But if there has to be some romance, Andrew is a much better choice than James.
Apart from the romance, the rest of this book was fantastic. Claire really begins to embrace her role as reigning queen of the south side and it was perfection.
“You may address me as the Lady.” He started across the street. “And you must address this. Creeper! Hiram! Hold her down.” He fumbled with the buttons on his trousers, while Claire stared in astonishment. Really. With the fire engines nearly upon them and his house burning to cinders as they spoke, he thought he could threaten her by means of his disgusting person? Creeper and Hiram, whoever they were, did not, in fact, hold her down. However, two shadows detached from the main body of the huddle and slipped away down the alley at the corner of the wall. Snouts, Jake, and Tigg formed an immovable mass at her back. Claire sighed. “Really, Mr. Bonaventure. You should not, as my mother often told me, use a pin when a needle is called for. Particularly so dull and short a pin.” She pulled the trigger and a bolt of lightning shot across the street, singeing him neatly between the legs and burning the inner seams of his canvas trousers clean away. The Cudgel screamed and leaped back six feet, the scent of burning flesh overlaid on the smoke that filled the air.
Hysterical, no doubt in pain at least equal to that he had hoped to inflict upon her, he capered and screeched so that Claire could hardly distinguish between him and the sirens of the engines as they roared up the cobbled street.
Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 2659-2660). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
I love that she's willing to stand up to bad behaviour - I just wish she'd manage to stand up to those of her own social class.
It would never do for him to know that he was harboring the infamous Lady of Devices, inadvertent murderer of Lightning Luke Jackson and reigning queen of the south side underworld. Her reputation in society would never recover.
Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 2697-2699). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
She's so stuck on her reputation and it gets old - even if it is more realistic that she sheds those layers slower.
Claire set her teeth. Blast it all. She needed to know. Just how much was she going to allow convention to dictate her behavior when it clearly obstructed the path to knowledge?
Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 3049-3051). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
Although I doubt she could shed them faster anyway. Afterall, look at Dr. Rosemary Craig. I doubt she's the first or the last woman to be institutionalised for being inconvenient. But even within the limitations, all the women in this series are badass. Even the chicken.
Rosie needs a flock. She must be lonely out ’ere.” Rosie showed no signs whatever of loneliness. Quite the opposite— a feathered despot, she had quite cowed poor Lewis and some of the smaller boys, who wouldn’t go in the garden no matter what the provocation.
Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 2709-2711). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
I loved that Rosemary helped the Mopsies to make their chicken coop. I adored the chicken coop. It moves! It has legs so the chicken coop can flee the...er...coop? I hope we get to see more collaboration with Rosemary in the future books.
The ending was amusing. I loved her getting one over James.
Ah, there it was. James’s coach stood ready, his coachman lounging in his seat with a glass of ale. “You there!” she called. “Lord James would like you to take me back to Hanover Square. We are to have drinks shortly with some of the Society men and their wives.” “At once, milady.” She had never stolen a coach before. It was much easier than she thought.
Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 5401-5404). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
Even if it was embittered by the fact he's busy stealing the lightning device they've built.
Overall this was well written, interesting and imaginative steampunk novel. It's a great addition to any young girl's library - or just any female. 4.5 stars, rounded up to 5 stars.