I started this story with the knowledge that Him was popular, M/M, written by two very talented authors and was supposedly HOT!!! With limited experience reading M/M, I didn't have high expectations and I wasn't sure if it would float my boat.
By the half way point I'm starting to question why this was turning me on so much and analyzing what made it so sexy or sexier than M/f? Maybe it's because women analyze everything and are unsure about getting it right or whether they are on the right track. In a M/M relationship they know what buttons to push because they've got the same buttons. No hit or miss with these guys, no hiding behind fake "o's" is possible. To me it's a confidence thing, two men know what they want and how to get it. Women are still hesitant to ask for what they want and settle for what they get.
Wes and Jamie had been friends for years with Wes knowing he was gay and having feelings for Jamie. One decision ... situation ... occurrence that Wes makes, throws their friendship out of whack and leads them to be estranged for four years. They miss each other and when an opportunity presents itself, decide their friendship is worth fighting for. At the time they meet up again, Jamie has a friends with benefits thing going on with a girl named Holly. TBH, this part of the story had me thinking that this relationship would be easier than what I knew would be coming...but you love who you love and sometimes easy is not the best.
I don't want to go on too much more but I will say that I loved that there was a storyline outside of their relationship. It kept me interested and I wanted to know more about the intricacies of training and working towards being an elite hockey player.
My favourite part of the whole story was towards the end. Acceptance. One word changed everything for me. I read this whole story still with this little voice in my head saying - not too bad for an erotic, take me out of my comfort zone read. Then we get to the part where two blokes have to decide whether to put their lives, careers and acceptance on the line. Is the risks worth it? Will their family's care? Can they live without love? The answers are not the same for everyone. In this story I shed a happy tear and felt content that it all worked out as well as it did.
So another comfort zone explosion with no casualties, that left a big old smile plastered on my face. What's next - The life and times of a transsexual vampire yeti? Probably not, but who knows. This year is all about pushing my boundaries.
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