Amber (The Literary Phoenix)
I dragged my feet on reading this book a LOT. Partially an act of rebellion because I won the ARC in October and they sent it in March, but also because Eoin Colfer and I have had a bad run lately. Ever since [b:The Last Guardian|9307674|The Last Guardian (Artemis Fowl #8)|Eoin Colfer|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1522745526l/9307674._SX50_.jpg|14190669]... nothing holds up.
I can't promise [b:Highfire|44890077|Highfire|Eoin Colfer|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1569074230l/44890077._SY75_.jpg|66176729] will be everything you dreamed of and more... but... it was great world building, great characterization, and really funny. Especially if you've got that 13 y/o boy stereotypical sense of humor. Which I do.
This book was so immersive that I was sunk into the swamp immediately. Colfer builds sympathy well for his characters, but he builds hatred even BETTER and even if you don't love Squib and Vern, you sure as heck will want something terrible to happen to Constable Regence Hook. Who honestly comes up on my list as one of the most devious villains of all time and 100% deserved what he got. So there. The humor is crude, and there's a lot of violence and gore (particular in the last quarter of the book). It's not your normal adult fantasy.
It's not your normal book, period. Highfire is one of those very original, very unique stories. Honestly, I loved it. I loved to hate Hooke, I loved the richness of the world, I loved the bad jokes, and I loved the creativity. This book isn't going to be a fit for everyone. But, well, if Mulch was your favorite character in Artemis Fowl and you're a smidge more grown up now (I am def. not recommending this for 14 y/os)... Highfire may be up your alley.
To dig into some more details, you can check out the complete post on The Literary Phoenix.