Written on Aug 9, 2012
Well in this story, she is on the search for Christian Notte's mother in England, this is where she ends up meeting Julius Notte, Christian's father. Though introductions are quite um dramatic since she was woken up having Julius holding Tiny up in the air by his throat, and then throwing him across the room a few times as Tony attacks him. (but here's a little seecret for you... but shhhh it's a SPOILER.... Julius and Magaurite are lifemates.... shhh don't tell anyone ok, so Julius was jealous to see Margaurite in bed with another man. But he didn't realize she was attacked and neither her or Tiny wanted to be in that room, and Tiny wanted to be close to her incase she was attacked again.)
so a little later on and I mean really a little later on like oh probably what would count as 20-30mins in the book, Christian, Marcus, and the others come to the conclusion that Julius and Margaurite are lifemates. How they found out, by the little slip ups of both Julius and Margaurite. So Julius asks his son for some help woo-ing her, or his son offers to help him, I fully can't remember on that part, but either way it doesn't matter. Because Julius decides to travel with them on the search for Christians mother, because he wants to be close to Margaurite.
Margaurite isn't quite sure why Julius is staying close by, but she goes with it, cause Margaurite keeps getting attacked. (poor lady). So throughout the book, they travel to different parts of Europe to search for clues about Christians mother, and in the meantime Julius and Margaurite get to know each other. But neither wants to disclose any information on their ex's. Funny thing though Margaurite then realizes that Julius is her lifemate. But that is only part of what makes this book interesting.
What makes this boook interesting, is that Margaurite is Christians mother, that five hundred years ago, Jean Claude had presumed to be dead, and Margaurite a widow. She had met Julius back then and obviously being lifemates found each other, and fell in love, and got married and concieved a child together. BUT! right before she had given birth, someone had took control over Margaurites mind and made her give birth and had her order his son death by the maid, and then made it look like Margaurite killed the maid for disobeying. Then wiped all her memories, and placed different ones in, and then the fact that Jean Claude was not dead, and had came back for Margaurite. Thus making the rest of his life miserable for her. But at least she had gotten four children out of it that she loves more than life. Well of course Margaurite doesn't remember any of this, but Julius has proof, he has a potrait of her in his study at his home in Italy. So of course then they fly to italy, one to show her this proof and two to hopefully keep her safe from the attackers.
Once there she ends up meeting his family (again) mom and dad aren't too thrilled but Aunt Vita, she seems to be happy about it. Vita catches Margaurite in Julius's office and gives her a little chit chat about how sad he was when she left, and that how pleased she is that he will be happy again.
Then one night Margaurite and Christian go out and have some Mother & son bonding time, to get to know each other. They end up being attacked on their outing and kidnapped. They are placed in some kind of dungeon, both injured and low on blood, UH OH! Back at the house Julius is frantic with worry about his love and son. This is where the Argenau's come in. At once Julius tries to attack Lucian because he thinks that Margaurites memories which has to be done by a 3 on 1 memory swipe meaning 3 vampires on one vampire or mortal to erase their memories, very dangerous and powerful juju.
Come to find out that it wasn't Lucian who was involved in it, nor was it Martine, Jean Claudes sister. But that it was Jean Claudes best friend, and Julius's own sister who did it. This was found out by Julius's father Niccodemus Notte telling him how things were when he was a baby and why he was all under guarded protection.
Meanwhile back at the dugeon plae, Vita shows herself to Margaurite and Christian, and explains why she has done this, and the attacks on Magaurite, and proceeds to tell them that she is the one who was part of the 3 on 1, and that Jean Claude was indeed never dead, but was in hiding because he had found his lifemate and had turned her, and since he had turned Margaurite it was a big no-no for him to turn his lifemate. But Vita had plans for Jean Claude so he had killed his lifemate and his unborn child. And used Jean Claude to wipe Margaurites memories and have her son killed. And Vita killed the maid. Which explained why Jean Claude was such a monster, though it didn't excuse the treatment he gave to Marguarite. Vita was jealous of Julius, Julius was the baby and the only boy. And he was treated like a god where she was just treated like a woman, and it pissed her off. He was just so happy with life in general that it drove her mad. So she wanted him punished and used the ones he loved to do it. But this time she wants to end it all, Margaurite, Christian, and Julius's lives. But her plan didn't work out she was caught and sent before the council and executed.
Everyone eventually went back to Canada to wherre Lissandra had her babygirl. And Margaurite had finally gotten her Happily Ever after.